Emma Bladen-Innaloo WA


Full Name Emma Bladen
Gender Female
State WA
Vehicle Type Manual
Created Date 04 Feb 2023
Needs Pickup No
Driving Skill Level Advanced
Preferred Language English
Preferred Instructor Gender Don’t Care
Contact Number only visible to featured instructor

Other Requirements

Hello, I’m 55, Australian, and have been driving for many years but we were living interstate and overseas for a number of years and let go our WA driver’s licences.
We’re now living back in WA, but the WA Department of Transport can’t find me in the computer system, so I’ve had to start again.
I sat the theory test and I’m now the proud owner of a WA Learner’s Permit.
I live in Perth but driving test times in the metro area are fully booked through to June.
So I’ve managed to book in at Dowerin, on February 17 at 1.30pm.
I was hoping I could have a driving lesson with you in Dowerin that morning, February 17, to become a little more familiar with where the test is likely to be conducted. Or perhaps the previous day?
Thanks in advance,
Emma Bladen
0424 876 225


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